Cleaned up for Fall
Fall has arrived at the Coventry vineyard. The grape leaves have mostly dropped and the grass is mowed. Now the vines are getting ready...
Cayuga and Frontenac Blanc
2017 Cayuga White grapes were harvested and blended with Frontenac Blanc grapes below. We ended up with a 5 gallon batch of juice to...
Frontenac and Marquette Harvest
The Frontenac and Marquette have been harvested and crushed! They yielded 5 gallons of juice which is currently being fermented into wine.
Cayuga grapes are growing!
Despite some early season hail damage, the Cayuga White grapes in the Coventry vineyard are still hanging on! With any luck they will...
This years grapes
Cayuga white grapes just after bloom in the Coventry vineyard.
L'Acadie Blanc
Newly planted L'Acadie Blanc vines opening up. Five vines of this variety were added to the vineyard this year. For those who aren't...
Cayuga Budbreak
The Buds are opening on the Cayuga White, one of our favorite grapes:-)
Budbreak 2017
It is that time again when the buds emerge from the vines to get ready for this year's crop. We made it through some cold days without...